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Twin Cities International Schools

Our school is committed to preparing students for successful and productive lives as United States citizens while supporting them to retain their unique cultural heritage. The school has a centralized administration led by School Director Abdirashid Warsame and a School Board comprised of teachers and community members.  

The Minnesota Report Card is an interactive web tool designed to provide parents, educators, schools, districts and citizens with easy access to district and school information, test results, demographic information and other data regarding Twin Cities International Schools. Follow the directions on the home page of the Report Card to find annual state data about Twin Cities International Elementary School.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement:

Twin Cities International Schools will prepare all students for future success in both school and life. With a rigorous standards based curriculum that challenges every student, we hold our community to high expectations in the pursuit of excellence. We help our students persevere and overcome obstacles that may get in their way. Through involvement in the community our students develop the character traits needed to become active and engaged citizens who will be ready to meet dynamic global challenges.

Vision Statement:

Twin Cities International Schools (TCIS) recognizes that all children are unique and bring their special qualities with them as students. We welcome and value students from all cultures and embrace the background, skills, knowledge and creativity each brings, while allowing them to retain their unique cultural heritage. TCIS works as a community to provide a safe, supportive, engaging and collaborative learning environment. Working together with students, parents, teachers and staff, TCIS prepares students for a lifelong love of learning and academic success.

School Hours

School is in session:

7:15-2:35 Monday-Thursday

7:15-12:30 Friday

Twin Cities International Schools welcomes fami­lies and admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, priv­i­leges, programs, and activ­i­ties gener­ally accorded or made avail­able to students at the school. It does not discrim­i­nate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, marital status, disabil­ity, and age in admin­is­tra­tion of its educa­tional poli­cies, admis­sions poli­cies, athletic and other school-administered programs.